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    PSA N2/O2 Generator

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    Technology Process of Nitrogen Generating System

    Principle of PSA Nitrogen Generator

    The PSA Nitrogen Generator is an air separation unit which is based on molecular sieves selective adsorption of oxygen from air and can continuously generate gas nitrogen with a purity 99.996%, and the adsorbed nitrogen can be desorpted by decreasing the adsorbed bed pressure resulting cyclical adsorption-desroption operation.

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    Technology Process of Oxygen Generating System

    Principle of PSA Oxygen Generator

    The PSA Oxygen Generator is an air separation unit which is based on molecular sieves selective adsorption of nitrogen from air and can continuously generate gas oxygen with a purity 93%+-3% at ambient temperature, and the adsorbed nitrogen can be desorpted by decreasing the adsorbed bed pressure resulting cyclical adsorption-desroption operation.